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Subelement B

MF-HF-DSC-SITOR (NBDP) Equip. & Ops:

Section 17

Transmitter Faults-1:

An MF-HF transceiver works properly on voice but not SITOR (NBDP). What is the most likely source of the problem?

  • Correct Answer
    The 500 Hz I.F. filter has failed.
  • The audio amplifier has failed.
  • The phase locked loop circuit has failed.
  • The R.F. amplifier has failed.
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Which of the following conditions would indicate the malfunction of a 2182 kHz radiotelephone system?

  • No discernable traffic has been heard on the 2182 kHz during the radiotelephone silent periods.
  • Correct Answer
    Failure to contact another station 60 miles distant during daytime operation.
  • Dramatic decrease in noise level observed during night and early morning hours.
  • The visual indication of power to the antenna fluctuates while testing the radiotelephone alarm signal generator into an artificial antenna.
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Which would be an indication of proper operation of a SSB transmitter rated at 60 watt PEP output?

  • In SSB (J3E) voice mode, with the transmitter keyed but without speaking into the microphone, power output is indicated.
  • In SSB (J3E) mode, speaking into the microphone causes power meter to fluctuate slightly around the 60 watt reading.
  • Correct Answer
    In SITOR (NBDP) communications, the power meter can be seen fluctuating regularly from zero to the 60 watt relative output reading.
  • A steady indication of transmitted energy on an RF Power meter with no fluctuations when speaking into the microphone.
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An MF-HF transceiver is functioning correctly in voice mode/SSB but not in SITOR (NBDP). What is the most likely source of the problem?

  • The second I.F. amplifier has become defective.
  • The voltage controlled oscillator is defective.
  • The 2.8 kHz filter has become defective.
  • Correct Answer
    The 1615 kHz audio oscillator is not working.
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Which of the following conditions would be a symptom of malfunction in a 2182 kHz SSB radiotelephone?

  • Correct Answer
    No indication of power output when speaking into the microphone.
  • Much higher noise level observed during daytime operation.
  • When testing a radiotelephone alarm on 2182 kHz into an artificial antenna, the Distress frequency watch receiver becomes un-muted, an improper testing procedure.
  • Failure to contact a shore station 600 nautical miles distant during daytime operation.
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Which would indicate proper operation of a SSB transmitter rated at 60 Watt PEP output in J3E mode?

  • In SITOR communications, the power meter can be seen fluctuating regularly from zero to the 60 watt relative output reading.
  • Correct Answer
    In SSB (J3E) voice mode, with the transmitter keyed but without speaking into the microphone, no power output is indicated.
  • In SSB (J3E) mode, speaking into the microphone causes the power meter to fluctuate well above the 60 watt reading.
  • A steady indication of transmitted energy on an RF power meter with no fluctuations when speaking into the microphone.
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