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Subelement C

Satellite Systems:

Section 23


What are the frequencies for Inmarsat-C shipboard satellite operation?

  • Reception: 1526.5 - 1560.5 MHz and Transmission: 1625.0 - 1659.0 MHz
  • Reception: 1625.0 - 1659.0 MHz and Transmission: 1526.5 - 1560.5 MHz
  • Correct Answer
    Reception: 1530.0 - 1545.0 MHZ and Transmission: 1626.5 - 1645.5 MHz
  • Reception: 1625.0 - 1659.0 MHz and Transmission: 1526.5 - 1560.5 MHz
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What is an LNA?

  • Line noise amplifier
  • Low number algorithm
  • Low noise antenna
  • Correct Answer
    Low noise amplifier
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What function does the LNA perform?

  • Correct Answer
    Receives and amplifies a very weak signal from the satellite.
  • Calculates data received.
  • Increases the receiver's noise figure.
  • Provides degenerative feedback to the LNB.
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What is the fade margin factor?

  • A design allowance that provides for the sun to accommodate expected fading for the purpose of ensuring that the required quality of service is maintained.
  • Correct Answer
    A design allowance to accommodate expected fading.
  • The increase in fade over a receiver's noise floor.
  • The ratio between the largest and smallest values of a received signal.
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What is signal to noise ratio?

  • A measure used that compares the distance of a desired signal to the level of background noise.
  • Correct Answer
    A measure used that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.
  • A measure used that compares the frequency of a desired signal to the frequency of background noise.
  • A measure that measures signal in the forward direction and noise in the reverse direction.
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What is the abbreviation for signal to noise?

  • STN
  • SIG/NR
  • Correct Answer
  • SIN
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