Operating methods: digital modes and procedures for VHF and UHF; APRS; EME procedures; meteor scatter procedures
Which of the following digital modes is designed for meteor scatter communications?
From the MSK144 section of the WSJTX user manual:
Meteor scatter QSOs can be made any time on the VHF bands at distances up to about 2100 km (1300 miles).
APRS is designed for sending packet data, like location, text, or weather data. WSPR is designed for testing propagation. Hellschreiber is for keyboard-to-keyboard messaging.
MSK = meteor scatter!!!! WP4AES
HINT: MSK = Meteor Scatter Kommunications.
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What information replaces signal-to-noise ratio when using the FT8 or FT4 modes in a VHF contest?
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Which of the following digital modes is designed for EME communications?
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What technology is used for real-time tracking of balloons carrying amateur radio transmitters?
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based system for real time digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area. In addition, all data is ingested into the APRS Internet System (APRS-IS) and distributed globally for immediate access. Shared information contains global coordinates, altitude, speed, heading, text messages, alerts, announcements, and bulletins. The most visible aspect of APRS is its capability of map display. Anyone may place any object or information on the map, and it is distributed to all maps of all users in the local RF network, or to anyone monitoring the area via the Internet. Any station, radio, or object broadcasting GPS coordinates to the APRS system can be automatically tracked over time.
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What is the characteristic of the JT65 mode?
JT65 [...] is intended for extremely weak but slowly varying signals, such as those found on troposcatter or Earth-Moon-Earth (EME, or "moonbounce") paths. It can detect signals several dB underneath the noise floor [...] –Wikipedia
Note that the 65 doesn't have anything to do with the bandwidth, it's because the encoded messages are transmitted using MFSK with 65 tones.
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Which of the following is a method for establishing EME contacts?
JT65 uses time synchronous transmissions alternating and is commonly used in EME communications.
(This method is also used in FT8, which has become very popular for regular non-EME use.)
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All APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information uses AX.25 UI (Unnumbered Information) frames because each single packet needs to be heard by everyone. When an APRS station broadcasts its location it does not know if it has been heard and does not need a acknowledgement frame. The use of UI frames means that the network is “unreliable” but lost packets are not as critical as in normal packet radio communications.
Hint: APRS and AX.25 both have 4 characters
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What type of packet frame is used to transmit APRS beacon data?
APRS packets transmit data in the AX.25 protocol, the Amateur variant of the X.25 networking protocol. There are a number of AX.25 packet modes, typically designed for communication links, but APRS sends occasional one-off packets.
Connect and Disconnect packet types would be used to establish, create, and end a formal comms link, and an Acknowledgment packet would be used to confirm receipt of another packet.
APRS packets effectively throw packets into the RF spectrum and hope that somebody receives them, so there is no formal communications link. Therefore, the Unnumbered Information packet type is used, which is designed for this one-off kind of data transmission.
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JT65 uses many tones with a slow symbol rate (baud) in order to get a very high level of sensitivity.
Multi-tone FSK (MFSK) modulation is too specialized to be directly supported by the vast majority of transceivers. Instead the modulation is done at audio frequency on a computer and fed into the transceiver in upper sideband (USB) mode to elevate it to radio frequency. This technique is called Audio FSK or AFSK.
Cheat: Modulation is Multi tone, frequency, amplitude etc etc...
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What does the packet path WIDE3-1 designate?
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How do APRS stations relay data?
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