Practical wire antennas; folded dipoles; phased arrays; effects of ground near antennas
What is the radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/2-wavelength apart and fed 180 degrees out of phase?
The most significant factors here are that the elements are fed 180 degrees out of phase and are spaced 1/2-wavelength apart. In a half-wavelength a radio frequency signal differs by 180 degrees from the source. So, you can also say that the elements are spaced 180 degrees apart. Therefore, when a signal leaving one element reaches the other it is in phase with the radiation from the element it is reaching and thus the output of each element re-enforces the output from the other.
That means the pattern is essentially two overlapping circular outputs from the two elements and strengthened in the direction away from the antenna in each direction in line with the axis through the two antenna elements. In other words: a figure-8 oriented along the axis of the array.
See also:, last Fig
Memory Tip (for Test answers): "180 degrees" has an 8, so it's a figure eight answer. The signal is "O"ut of phase, so the pattern is "O"riented along the axis. Choose the answer with 180 and an "O" word. (See other easily confused similar question, E9C03, whose answer is a broadside figure 8.)
TEST TIP: Visualize a signal leaving one of the verticals as "slow" when heading off in any direction except through the other phased vertical, but when it leaves the first vertical element and travels "through" the area immediately surrounding the second vertical on its way to its intended target, it gets a little "boost" and speeds up. The "boost" effect is 'along the axis of the array' which, in other words, means when the two antennas are aligned, one in front of the other, on a path toward the intended target.
Mnemonic: "Half, Opposite, Along" - For 1/2-wavelength apart and 180 degrees out of phase (opposite), think of the figure-8 pattern stretching along the line connecting the two antennas. The word "Half" also visually resembles the figure-8 lying along the axis.
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What is the radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/4-wavelength apart and fed 90 degrees out of phase?
See Figure 3 at:
Memory Tip: The "9" in 90 degrees looks a bit like a drawing of a cardioid shape.
Mnemonic: "Quarter, Quarter, Heart" - For 1/4-wavelength apart and 90 degrees out of phase, think of a cardioid, which resembles a heart shape. "Quarter, Quarter" for both the spacing and the phase creates an easy-to-remember connection to the cardioid shape.
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What is the radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/2-wavelength apart and fed in phase?
There are many ways to put up antennas that are directional. One way to get directionality without a tower is to use phased vertical arrays.
In general, the phased vertical array consists of two or more quarter-wave vertical antennas. The radiation pattern that the array will have depends on how you feed the vertical antennas.
So, for example, the radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/2-wavelength apart and fed 180 degrees out of phase is a figure-8 oriented along the axis of the array. (E9C01) The radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/4-wavelength apart and fed 90 degrees out of phase is a cardioid. (E9C02) The radiation pattern of two 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas spaced 1/2-wavelength apart and fed in phase is a Figure-8 broadside to the axis of the array. (E9C03)
Source - Extra Class question of the day: Wire and phased vertical antennas
Memory Tip for Test Answer: "In phase" is pretty standard, and a dipole is pretty standard. So the pattern is roughly the same as a dipole: a figure-8 broadside to the antenna.
Mnemonic: "Half, Same, Broadside" - For 1/2-wavelength apart and in phase (same phase), visualize the figure-8 broadside to the axis. The word "Broadside" helps to remember that the pattern is oriented perpendicular to the line connecting the two antennas.
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What happens to the radiation pattern of an unterminated long wire antenna as the wire length is increased?
The main lobe of the radiation pattern starts to follow along the direction of the wire when the length is increased past 1 to 2 wavelengths. The general rule of thumb is that the longer the wire the more constricted the main lobes.
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Which of the following is a type of OCFD antenna?
OCFD stands for Off Center Fed Dipole. This specific antenna is fed away from the center (usually around 1/3 the way). At this point the input impedance is closer to 200 Ohms so a 4:1 balun is used to match the impedance from 50 Ohms to 200 Ohms.
Due to this configuration, the antenna will present good matching on multiple frequencies to allow for multiband operation.
Note that sometimes you may see other antennas such as Yagis fed off-center, but not 1/3rd of the way. The purpose in this case may be to increase a feed point impedance that is too low. In any case, remember off center feed points will increase impedance.
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What is the effect of adding a terminating resistor to a rhombic antenna?
Normally, a rhombic antenna is bi-directional along the longer axis; adding a terminating resistor, usually in the 600 ohm range, at the vertex opposite to the feedpoint makes the rhombic unidirectional in the direction from feedpoint to resistor.
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What is the approximate feed point impedance at the center of a two-wire folded dipole antenna?
Think of those flat twin ribbon TV antenna wire with an impedance of 300 ohms.
The impedance of a folded dipole is 4x that of a half-wave dipole, which is 73 ohms.1
73 x 4 = 292 ohms and 300 is the closest to this.
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What is a folded dipole antenna?
The key is to remember that this antenna is one wavelength long "folded" in to a thin loop one-half wavelength long.
For more information see wikipedia: Folded Dipole Antenna
Silly memory trick: It's folded in half.
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Which of the following describes a G5RV antenna?
The G5RV antenna is a dipole with a symmetric resonant feeder line, which serves as impedance matcher for a 50 Ohm coax cable to the transceiver.
Those of you who would like to know; G5RV is the call sign of the inventor of the antenna. Louis Varney. (Not the Opera dude)
More info on the legend here:
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Which of the following describes a Zepp antenna?
Zeppelins used to have this type of antenna, a long wire connected to the transmitter in the zeppelin and hanging down. It's also called an end-fed zepp (picture the zeppelin with a wire hanging down - it has to be end-fed).
Perhaps think of the "pp" in zepp and think of two letters, "di" means two. So, that should remind you of a di-pole.
The origin is the antenna used in zeppelins, and the length of the antenna was a half-wave, hence the answer, "An end-fed dipole antenna"
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How is the far-field elevation pattern of a vertically polarized antenna affected by being mounted over seawater versus soil?
The main effect of placing a vertical antenna over an imperfect ground is that it reduces low-angle radiation. Mounting it over seawater (a very even and highly conductive surface) will increase the low-angle radiation.
Silly Hint: The LARI low angle radiation increase, I (Increase) being different the wrong answer
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Which of the following describes an Extended Double Zepp antenna?
The Zepp, short for Zeppelin is any resonant antenna end-fed by ladder line.
A Double Zepp is a center-fed 1 wavelength antenna.
The double extended Zepp is a dipole type Antenna consisting of two collinear 0.64 wave length elements fed in phase. The "extension" being an extra 1/8 wavelength added to the Zepp (on each side).
This double extended version provides 3 db gain over a dipole on the band it is designed for and each side or leg is about 5/8 wavelength long.
The antenna is constructed much like an ordinary Dipole antenna but with 5/8 Wavelength Elements matched with an added Impedance Matching Section of balanced feed line.
For calculations pertaining to the construction of a Zepp Antenna see: Zepp Antenna Calculator
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How does the radiation pattern of a horizontally polarized 3-element beam antenna vary with increasing height above ground?
The farther the antenna is above ground, the less the ground will affect its radiation pattern. The same is true for vertical omni-directional antennas. The main lobe takeoff angle decreases with increasing height.
If their ground radials are brought up they will raise the radiation pattern and main lobe, or increase the main lobe takeoff angle.
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How does the performance of a horizontally polarized antenna mounted on the side of a hill compare with the same antenna mounted on flat ground?
The performance of a horizontally polarized antenna mounted on the side of a hill will be different from the performance of same antenna mounted on flat ground. Specifically, the main lobe takeoff angle decreases in the downhill direction. (E9C14)
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