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Subelement E

Antenna Systems

Section 41

Antenna to Display Interface

The position of the PPI scope sweep must indicate the position of the antenna. The sweep and antenna positions are frequently kept in synchronization by the use of:

  • Correct Answer
    Synchro systems.
  • Servo systems.
  • DC positioning motors.
  • Differential amplifiers.
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On a basic synchro system, the angular information is carried on the:

  • DC feedback signal.
  • Correct Answer
    Stator lines.
  • Deflection coils.
  • Rotor lines.
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What is the most common type of antenna position indicating device used in modern RADARs?

  • Correct Answer
  • Servo systems.
  • Synchro transmitters.
  • Step motors.

What is the most common type of antenna position indicating device used in modern RADARs?


A resolver in a RADAR system is a type of electrical device used to determine the angular position of a rotating antenna. It's commonly utilized in antenna positioning systems to accurately measure the azimuth or elevation angle of the radar antenna. Resolvers are often employed in tracking or scanning radar systems where the antenna needs to be precisely aimed at different angles to cover specific areas or track moving targets.

Resolvers work based on electromagnetic principles, where the relative angles between coils and magnetic fields are used to determine the angle of rotation. The resolver's output provides analog signals that correspond to the angular position of the antenna, allowing the radar system to accurately direct its beam and gather information from different directions.

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Which of the following statements about antenna resolvers is correct?

  • Most resolvers contain a rotor winding and a delta stator winding.
  • Resolvers consist of a two rotor windings and two stator windings that are 90 degrees apart.
  • Correct Answer
    The basic resolver contains a rotor winding and two stator windings that are 90 degrees apart.
  • Resolvers consist of a "Y" connected rotor winding and a delta connected stator winding.
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An antenna synchro transmitter is composed of the following:

  • Three rotor and two stator windings.
  • Correct Answer
    Two rotor and three stator windings.
  • Three rotor and three stator windings.
  • A single rotor and 3 stator windings.
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RADAR antenna direction must be sent to the display in all ARPAs or RADAR systems. How is this accomplished?

  • 3-phase synchros.
  • 2-phase resolvers.
  • Optical encoders.
  • Correct Answer
    Any of the above.
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