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Subelement D

Display & Control Systems

Section 29


Modern liquid crystal displays have a pixel count of:

  • Correct Answer
    Greater than 200 pixels per inch.
  • Greater than 50 pixels per inch.
  • Can have no more than 125 pixels per inch.
  • Can implement 1,000 pixels per inch.

Modern liquid crystal displays have a pixel count of:

(A). Greater than 200 pixels per inch.

It must have been a long time since the 200 pixels displays were used. An easy answer to pick as other choices limit the number of pixels well below what is in use.

A good discussion on radar displays is listed on the Practical Sailor site, article Entry-Level LCD Radars

For historical and technical overview, please see Zoboko site for the article 2.8 The Radar Display and User Controls

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Voltages used in CRT anode circuits are in what range of value?

  • 0.5-10 mV.
  • Correct Answer
    10-50 kV.
  • 20-50 mV.
  • 200-1000 V.
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The purpose of the aquadag coating on the CRT is:

  • To protect the electrons from strong electric fields.
  • To act as a second anode.
  • To attract secondary emissions from the CRT screen.
  • Correct Answer
    All of the above
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LCD patterns are formed when:

  • Correct Answer
    Current passes through the crystal causing them to align.
  • When voltage is reduced to the raster scan display.
  • When the deflection coils are resonant.
  • When the ships antenna's bearing is true North.
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In a raster-type display, the electron beam is scanned:

  • From the center of the display to the outer edges.
  • Correct Answer
    Horizontally and vertically across the CRT face.
  • In a rotating pattern which follows the antenna position.
  • From one specified X-Y coordinate to the next.
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Select the statement, which is most correct regarding a raster scan display.

  • Raster displays are the same as conventional T.V. receivers.
  • The scan rate for a RADAR system is 30 frames per second.
  • Correct Answer
    Raster scanning is controlled by clock pulses and requires an address bus.
  • Raster scanning is not used in RADAR systems.
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