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Subelement C

DSC & Alpha-Numeric ID Systems:

Section 16

DSC Format and Information Sent:

When making a routine DSC call to another vessel what information should be included?

  • Time of transmission.
  • Correct Answer
    Proposed working channel.
  • Your own vessel's position.
  • Subject matter of the call.
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A VHF "Distress Hot Key" alert will always include what information?

  • The nature of Distress and vessel position.
  • The vessel's current position, course and speed from the GPS.
  • Correct Answer
    The vessel's programmed MMSI number and code for Distress priority.
  • The follow-on frequency required for Distress voice communications.
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When sending a DSC call:

  • Vessel's position will automatically be sent with DSC calls specifying an alternate frequency.
  • Vessel's MMSI will indicate its ocean region and vessel position.
  • Vessel's MMSI and position will automatically be sent for all types of DSC calls.
  • Correct Answer
    Vessel's position will automatically be sent if the vessel is sending a "Distress Hot Key" alert.
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A "Distress Hot Key" VHF DSC Distress alert:

  • Correct Answer
    Always goes out on the DSC frequency of Ch-70 to alert other stations.
  • Must go out on Ch-16 and Ch-70 to indicate "MAYDAY" traffic will follow.
  • Must go out on Ch-16 to alert the nearest vessels and coast stations of imminent "MAYDAY" traffic.
  • May go out on Ch-70 or Ch-16 depending on the manufacturer.
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Which statement is true regarding vessel position when sending a "Distress Hot Key" alert?

  • The operator must choose to include the position.
  • The vessel's position will always be correct if taken from the connected GPS.
  • A connected GPS is always required to ensure the Distress position is accurate.
  • Correct Answer
    The position will either be taken from the connected GPS or the updated manual position.
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A "Distress Hot Key" alert will always include what information?

  • Correct Answer
    Distress priority, vessel's position if available and the vessel's MMSI number.
  • The vessel's current position, course and speed from the GPS.
  • The vessel's MMSI number and category of Distress.
  • Distress priority, frequency for voice Distress communications and vessel position.
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