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Subelement B

F.C.C. Rules & Regulations:

Section 8

Inspections and Exemptions:

How often must a compulsory vessel's GMDSS radio station be inspected?

  • Annually, by the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Correct Answer
    Annually, by the FCC or designated authority.
  • Annually, by the FCC, and every six months if the vessel sails outside of Sea Areas A1 and A2.
  • The FCC's annual inspection may be waived if and only if monthly inspections are performed by the vessel's on-board GMDSS Radio Maintainer.
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What periodic inspection is required in order to remain in compliance with the regulations regarding GMDSS ship radio station inspections?

  • U.S. Coast Guard annual inspection.
  • FCC inspection every five years.
  • Correct Answer
    An inspection at least once every 12 months by the FCC or a holder of a GMDSS Maintainers license.
  • Periodic inspections not required if on board maintainers perform routine preventive maintenance.
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Which statement is false regarding a GMDSS-equipped ship?

  • A conditional or partial exemption may be granted, in exceptional circumstances, for a single voyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equipped.
  • The regulations apply to all passenger ships regardless of size and cargo ships of 300 gross tons and upwards.
  • Ships must carry at least two persons holding a GMDSS Radio Operator's license for Distress and Safety radio-communications purposes.
  • Correct Answer
    Ships must have the required equipment inspected at least once every five years.
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Which statement is false regarding a GMDSS equipped ship?

  • Correct Answer
    A conditional or partial exemption may not be granted, in exceptional circumstances, for a single voyage outside the sea area for which the ship is equipped.
  • Ships must have the required equipment inspected at least once every 12 months.
  • The regulations apply to all passenger ships regardless of size and cargo ships of 300 gross tons and upwards.
  • Ships must carry at least two persons holding a GMDSS Radio Operator's license for Distress and Safety radio-communications purposes.
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During an annual GMDSS station inspection:

  • Licensed GMDSS operators may not be required to demonstrate equipment competencies but all required equipment must be fully operational.
  • All required equipment must be fully operational and any required publications that are not current must be on order.
  • GMDSS operators may be required to demonstrate equipment competencies and any of required equipment that is not fully operational can be repaired at the next port of call as long as there is functional duplication.
  • Correct Answer
    All required documents and publications might have to be produced and GMDSS operators may be required to demonstrate equipment competencies.
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Which situation is least likely to result in an inspection of the radio installation by foreign governments or administrations?

  • Correct Answer
    When a ship visits a port for the first time.
  • When the ship's station license cannot be produced without delay.
  • When operational irregularities are observed.
  • When compulsory equipment is found to be inoperative.
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